Why Don’t Strongman Do Push Ups?

Strongman athletes are known for their incredible feats of strength and power. They train tirelessly to build the maximal strength and endurance needed to compete in their sport. However, one exercise that is notably absent from their training regimen is the push-up. In this essay, we will explore why strongmen don’t do push-ups, the benefits and limitations of this exercise, and how it can be incorporated into their training.

Why Don’t Strongman Do Push Ups?

Strongman training is focused on building maximal strength and power through heavy lifting and intense conditioning. Exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and carries are prioritized because they mimic the demands of their sport. Push-ups, on the other hand, are a bodyweight exercise that primarily targets endurance and muscular endurance. While push-ups can be challenging for beginners, they may not provide enough resistance for advanced athletes who require heavier loads to develop maximal strength.

Push-ups are a convenient and effective exercise for building upper body and core strength. They can be modified to target different muscle groups and can be done anywhere without equipment. However, push-ups have limitations in developing maximal strength, as the resistance is limited to bodyweight and variations may not be challenging enough for advanced athletes. Nonetheless, push-ups can still be an effective exercise for building muscular endurance and improving overall fitness.

While push-ups may not be a staple exercise in strongman training, they can still be beneficial when incorporated as part of their conditioning and endurance training. Push-ups can be used as a warm-up exercise to activate the upper body and core muscles before heavy lifting. They can also be used as a finisher or conditioning exercise to improve muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. By incorporating push-ups into their training, strongmen can develop a more well-rounded fitness program that addresses both maximal strength and endurance.

Final Thoughts

Strongmen don’t do push-ups because they prioritize exercises that mimic the demands of their sport and require heavier loads to develop maximal strength. However, push-ups can still be an effective exercise for building upper body and core strength, as well as improving muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. By incorporating push-ups into their training, strongmen can develop a more well-rounded fitness program that addresses both maximal strength and endurance.