Nick Best: Height and Weight

When discussing the top strongmen in the world, the name Nick Best invariably comes up. A veteran of the strength sports, Best has made an indelible mark in the world of strength athletics. His physical attributes, particularly his height and weight, have undoubtedly played a significant role in his success. This article delves into the life, career and physical characteristics of Nick Best, lending insight into what makes him a towering figure in the world of strongman competitions.

Early Life and Career

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, Best was always a physically imposing figure, even in his youth. He excelled in sports, particularly football and powerlifting, throughout his high school and college years. His love for strength sports led him to powerlifting, where he made a name for himself by setting numerous state and national records.

Best transitioned to strongman competitions in the late 90s. At the age of 40, he won the title of Nevada’s Strongest Man. From there, he went on to compete in and win numerous national and international strongman competitions.

Height and Weight: An Advantage in Strongman Competitions

Standing at 6’3″ and weighing between 310 and 330 lbs, Best’s height and weight are among his most significant advantages in strongman competitions. His towering height allows him to handle large and awkward objects more efficiently, a common requirement in many strongman events. His substantial weight provides the needed stability and strength to perform incredible feats of power.

In strongman events like the Atlas Stones, Best’s height allows him to place the stones onto the platforms more comfortably without the need for excessive lifting or unnecessary movements. In the deadlift and squat events, his weight provides the stability required to lift massive weights.

Diet and Training

To maintain his immense size and strength, Best follows a diet and training regimen as gargantuan as his stature. His diet includes copious amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, amounting to over 5,000 calories per day. His meals often consist of lean meats, rice, vegetables, and protein shakes. He also emphasizes hydration, drinking gallons of water each day.

Best’s training regimen is as intense as his diet. He trains six days a week, focusing on different body parts each day. His workout sessions often last for several hours, including warm-ups, main lifts, accessory exercises, and cool-down sessions.

Longevity in the Sport

Despite his age, Best continues to compete at the highest level of strongman events. His longevity in the sport is a testament to his commitment to his training and diet, as well as his ability to maintain his physical health despite the demands of the sport.

Best’s height and weight, when paired with his experience and tactical approach to competitions, have allowed him to continue competing against much younger athletes. His performances in competitions like the World’s Strongest Man and the Arnold Strongman Classic have shown that age is just a number when it comes to strength sports.

The Impact of Height and Weight in Strongman Competitions

While height and weight are essential in strongman competitions, they are not the only factors that determine success. Technique, training, diet, mental toughness, and recovery all play vital roles in a strongman’s performance.

Best’s career is a perfect example of this. His height and weight have undoubtedly been advantageous, but it is his technical skills, rigorous training, strict diet, mental fortitude, and recovery practices that have led to his success and longevity in the sport.


Nick Best is more than just a strongman; he is a testament to the power of dedication, discipline, and hard work. At 6’3″ and weighing between 310 and 330 lbs, he is a towering figure in the world of strongman competitions. However, his physical attributes are just part of the story. His commitment to his diet and training, combined with his technical skills and mental toughness, have made him one of the best in the sport.

As Best continues to compete and inspire, he shows that age, while a number, is not a barrier in the world of strength sports. His career is a lesson in perseverance, demonstrating that with the right mindset, training, and nutrition, physical feats that seem impossible can indeed be conquered.

Gregor Smith

Currently based in Hong Kong, originally from Edinburgh Scotland. An avid goer in the gym and likes to lift to heavy things when he is not at work. Co-owner of Strongman Facts and various other websites.

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