How to Start Strongman Training

Entering the world of strongman training can be both exhilarating and intimidating. Strongman is a sport that tests not only brute strength but also endurance, agility, and mental toughness. Whether you’re drawn to the challenge, inspired by the athletes, or simply looking to push your physical limits, beginning a strongman training regimen requires careful planning and dedication. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you start your strongman training effectively.

Understanding Strongman Training

Strongman training involves various events that mimic real-world physical tasks, such as lifting heavy stones, pulling trucks, and carrying hefty loads over distances. Unlike traditional weightlifting, strongman focuses on functional strength, which is the ability to move awkward and often uneven loads efficiently.

Step 1: Assess Your Physical Condition

Before you begin, it’s crucial to assess your current physical condition. Strongman training is demanding, and having a solid strength foundation is beneficial. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a trained fitness instructor to evaluate your readiness for this type of intense physical activity.

Health Check and Fitness Level

  • Health Check: Ensure you are physically capable of handling intense physical exertion. Check for any underlying health issues.
  • Fitness Level: You should ideally have experience with basic strength training. Fundamental strength, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility are all important.

Step 2: Learn the Basic Movements

Strongman incorporates specific movements that are foundational to many of the events. Focus initially on mastering these basic movements:

Core Lifts

  • Deadlifts: Essential for building the posterior chain muscles crucial for most strongman events.
  • Squats: Develops leg strength and stability.
  • Overhead Presses: Improves shoulder strength, crucial for any lifting event.

Functional Training

  • Farmer’s Walk: Builds grip strength and overall body endurance.
  • Sandbag Lifts: Improves grip and simulates the uneven weight distribution of many strongman implements.

Step 3: Join a Gym or Strongman Group

Strongman training often requires specialized equipment that may not be available in a standard gym. Look for a gym that offers strongman-specific equipment or join a strongman training group.

Finding the Right Facility

  • Specialized Equipment: Ensure the facility has strongman implements like logs, stones, tires, and yokes.
  • Community: A strongman group can provide support, advice, and motivation.

Step 4: Start Training Gradually

Strongman training is intense, and it’s important to start gradually to avoid injury.

Beginner Program

  • Frequency: Start with 2-3 training sessions per week.
  • Duration: Keep sessions under 60 minutes initially.
  • Intensity: Focus on learning the technique rather than lifting heavy.


  • Gradually increase the weight and intensity as your strength and technique improve.
  • Incorporate more specific strongman events into your training as you advance.

Step 5: Focus on Nutrition and Recovery

Proper nutrition and recovery are as crucial as the training itself, especially in a physically demanding sport like strongman.


  • Caloric Intake: You may need to increase your caloric intake to support your training.
  • Balanced Diet: Focus on a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to fuel your workouts and aid recovery.


  • Rest Days: Incorporate adequate rest days to allow muscles to recover and grow.
  • Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support recovery and performance.

Step 6: Enter Local Competitions

Once you have built a foundation of strength and mastered the basic techniques, consider testing your skills in a local strongman competition.

Experience the Competition

  • Competing can provide valuable experience and help gauge your progress.
  • It also allows you to meet more experienced competitors and learn from them.

Step 7: Continuously Learn and Adapt

Strongman training is about continuous learning and adaptation. As you grow in the sport, seek new techniques, training methods, and advice from more experienced strongmen.

Educational Resources

  • Workshops and Clinics: These can provide hands-on learning experiences.
  • Online Resources: Videos, forums, and articles can be invaluable for learning and inspiration.

Final Thoughts

Starting strongman training is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work. By beginning with a solid foundation, focusing on proper technique, and gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts, you can safely and effectively grow in the sport. Remember, every strongman started somewhere, and with the right approach, dedication, and support, you too can achieve greatness in this dynamic and rewarding sport. Whether for competition or personal growth, strongman training offers a unique and powerful way to challenge and improve yourself, both physically and mentally.

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